
Monthly archive for October 2017

The Surrey Board of Trade submitted their feedback to the BC Government through the consultation period for how to regulate certain aspects of cannabis such as distribution, retail and a range of other matters, which will end on November 1st. The BC Government is looking for feedback on topics such as minimum age, personal possession

The BC Chamber of Commerce and the Surrey Board of Trade congratulate Anne Peterson on her appointment to the BC Government’s Advisory Forum on Poverty.“We are pleased that Surrey’s business community will be represented on BC’s Poverty Forum. For years, the Surrey Board of Trade has been a leader in advocating and instigating change

At the Surrey Board of Trade Manufacturing Reception on October 24th, the Immigrant Employment Council of BC released the results of the report “Mapping Refugee Skills and Employer Needs in Surrey and Abbotsford”.  Funded by the Province of BC and delivered in partnership with the Surrey Board of Trade and the Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce,

Today, the Federal Government released their Fall Economic Update.“The Surrey Board of Trade is pleased to hear that Canada’s economy is doing well. The federal deficit will be reduced to just below $20 billion this fiscal year, down from the projected $29 billion for 2017. The government is also promising $15 billion in new…

The Surrey Board of Trade renews their call for Family Day Alignment.While British Columbia has a statutory holiday (Family Day) on the 2nd Monday of February, five other provinces observe holidays on the 3rd Monday of February, which is also a federal holiday in the United States of America. For companies that conduct business…

Surrey, BC - October 16, 2017 — The Surrey Board of Trade and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce welcome the government’s plans to revise its proposed tax reforms and to reduce the small business tax rate as a result of the comments and concerns expressed by Surrey Board of Trade members and through the national…

Surrey, BC – Encouraged by meetings and statements by Premier John Horgan and Minister of Education, Rob Fleming, Surrey Schools Coalition looks forward to its October 21, 2017 meeting with Surrey MLAs to discuss the pressing need for new schools in Surrey.The recent Throne Speech and September budget update identified the Surrey School District