The Surrey Board of Trade, a city building business organization, considered today’s Surrey-Langley Skytrain update by Translink. Transportation investments and continued advocacy for improved transportation investments are important to support business, move our workforce within Surrey, and throughout the region, and to attract business in Surrey and South of the Fraser.
“Surrey and South of the Fraser have been waiting so long for transit and transportation investments,” said Anita Huberman, CEO, Surrey Board of Trade. “We had an unprecedented approved transit plan – and today’s announcement denotes that the skytrain line will only go to 166 Street within the approved funding envelope by an estimated 2025 construction completion, leaving minimal rapid transit improvements to the 104 Corridor and to Newton – and even to the rest of Surrey.”
“You can fit Vancouver, Burnaby, Richmond in the city limits of Surrey – we need transit improvements in all of Surrey.”
“I want to emphasize that the Surrey Board of Trade will work with Translink and the City of Surrey on this skytrain project, but transportation investments have been delayed yet again in Surrey. This is concerning because development activity on the 104 Avenue Corridor and Newton Corridor need rapid transit.”
“The Surrey Board of Trade is part of the ‘Cure Congestion’ advocacy that articulates with the upcoming federal election that we need permanent, predictable funding for public transit so we can cure congestion and keep Metro Vancouver moving.”
In summary, today’s update was:
1. The assumed cost of 27km of rapid transit South of the Fraser is $3.55B. Approved money now is $1.65B. That will get the skytrain to Fleetwood. Rest of money in third phase of 10-year plan not approved yet. That leaves about $400,000 to do more rapid transit on King George and 104 Avenue., connecting Newton to Guildford. Only thing that can be done for that amount is improved B-Line (not rapid transit) or partial bus rapid transit. It will be up to the Mayors Council to decide whether to find more money to take it to Clayton or stay within budget.
2. Updated timeline:
Public engagement taking place Fall 2019/Winter 2020
Business Case ready early 2020
Investment Approval Spring 2020
Project Approval Summer 2020
Procurement Fall 2021
Construction Early 2022
Completion Late 2025
3. Proposed Stop Locations are
140 Street
152 Street
160 Street
166 Street – within approved funding envelope – this will be the last stop.
184 Street
190 Street
196 Street
203 Street
4. Project would have 16 km of elevated guideway, eight stations, three bus exchanges, park and ride spaces and a new operations/maintenance facility.
The Surrey Board of Trade has 6,000 member contacts within its membership. The city-building business organization offers a diversified service portfolio including government advocacy, connection concierge services, business & international development and cost-saving benefits.