The BC Urban Mayors Caucus called on the Province to improve efforts on handling repeat offenders to better serve local communities by enacting stronger bail conditions and stricter consequences for prolific offenders.
“The Surrey Board of Trade has had a longstanding policy on prolific offenders because the economic development of any community relies upon its reputation to be a safe, viable region in which to locate and do business in, with supporting infrastructure, community assets and, most importantly, customers willing to go to businesses,” said Anita Huberman, President & CEO, Surrey Board of Trade. “We know that repeat offenders cause businesses and the public distress. Some businesses shut down or relocate because of repeat offenders, and others choose not to open shop in certain areas.”
Housing, counselling, rehabilitation programs, and employment skills are essential to reintegrating prolific offenders into society. Greater supportive programs are also needed.
The Surrey Board of Trade, in addition to the recommendations made by the BC Urban Mayors Caucus, recommends that the Provincial Government:
1. Work in coordination with the Federal Government to expand programs that support offenders to receive treatment while incarcerated and thereafter, and for post-release housing and programming of prolific offenders to ensure successful societal reintegration and safer communities; and,
2. Combine resources with the Federal Government to ensure the efficacy of programs such as the Integrated Court Services Plan and the successful implementation of measures such as the previous Blue Ribbon Panel recommendations.
Read the full Surrey Board of Trade policy here.