
New Bus Rapid Transit on King George from Whalley to South Surrey a Step in the Right Direction

On October 16, Surrey Mayor and Council endorsed the operation of a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system, in a new separated lane, along King George Boulevard from City Centre to South Surrey. The direction to city staff was to work with TransLink to advance its design.

“This is a significant step towards connecting Surrey together and addressing workforce transportation issues,” said Anita Huberman, President & CEO, Surrey Board of Trade. “The new separated lane design is essential to reduce traffic congestion and perhaps make way for innovative transportation technology in the future, such as light rail transit. We need to ensure that this project is expedited, and other investments are made to enhance public transit services in Surrey. Surrey’s transit system is currently at 120% capacity, and with population growth, that number will only increase.”

The proposed alignment would see the BRT run from Surrey City Centre to Newton Exchange, Colebrook Overpass, Serpentine River Bridge, Highway Overpass and South Surrey Park & Ride to Semiahmoo Town Centre.

“Transportation infrastructure is economic infrastructure.”


Anita Huberman, 604-634-0342,