The BC Government announced new regulations to combat single-use plastic waste and protect the environment, that will come into effect in December 2023. This marks a significant step towards a cleaner, more sustainable future for BC.“The Surrey Board of Trade applauds the Provincial Government for their bold leadership in combatting single-use plastic waste. These…
Categorized Under Environment
The Surrey Board of Trade was invited to attend the Federal Government’s National Adaptation Strategy update release on June 27. The Surrey Board of Trade is part of the Climate Proof Canada coalition, a national coalition of Canadian business representatives, disaster relief organizations, municipalities, Indigenous organizations, environmental non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and think tanks that believe…
On the docket for the June 2023 Surrey Board of Trade Environment & Infrastructure Team.To join or for more information:…
June is National Indigenous History Month in Canada, a time to recognize the rich history, heritage, resiliency and diversity of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples. Surrey has the greatest population of urban Indigenous Peoples.“I am honoured to speak on a panel that focuses on strengthening the urban-rural Indigenous wellness continuum at the Indigenous…
PRESS CONFERENCE LINK:, B.C. – The Surrey Board of Trade is concerned to hear the news that the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO), the Honourable Joyce Murray, intends to propose additional closures of salmon farms as part of her British Columbia salmon farming transition plan.Surrey is the hub of salmon…
The Surrey Board of Trade continues to lead in BC as a key player in instigating change through government advocacy. On June 1-2, the Surrey Board of Trade will seek support for their policies from their peers at the annual BC Chamber of Commerce convention in Whistler, to advance BC’s economy. Details on Surrey Board…
On April 20, the Government of Canada announced that the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project can proceed subject to 370 legally binding conditions to protect the environment, including to prevent harm to local species.The Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project (RBT2) is a needed new marine container terminal at Roberts Bank in Delta, BC on…
At the January 23 Agricultural Land Commission Public Hearing in Surrey, the Surrey Board of Trade presented their support to keep the subject land at 192 Street and 36 Avenue for agricultural (food) production. Acting under section 17(1) of the Agricultural Land Commission Act (ALCA), the Agricultural Land Commission is initiated a proposal to include…
Jasroop Singh Gosal, the Surrey Board of Trade’s Policy & Research Manager, has been appointed to the BC Government’s Employment Accessibility Standard Technical Committee."The Surrey Board of Trade looks forward to participating in this meaningful way to create results for those that face barriers to equally participating in the economy," said Anita Huberman, President…
On November 24, the Federal Government released the National Adaptation Strategy and Action Plan. The Strategy and Action Plan was a result of extensive consultation with industry, other orders of government, and the public.“The Surrey Board of Trade has been advocating for a national approach to issues related to natural disasters and climate change,…