The Surrey Board of Trade has released their economic wish list for the upcoming 2024 BC Election.“The party platforms must deal with the many economic issues facing businesses,” said Anita Huberman, President & CEO, Surrey Board of Trade. “Businesses are generally quite nervous right now. We need to uplift and power up the entrepreneurial…
Categorized Under Health and Technology
Making Surrey a Technology Industry DestinationInformation on workspace rentalsSurrey, BC - The Surrey Board of Trade (SBOT) together with Western Community College (WCC) is pleased to announce the official opening of the Surrey Technology and Skills Centre. Strategically located in Surrey’s Health & Technology District, a beacon of innovation and opportunity…
POLICY WIN: SURREY BOARD OF TRADE APPLAUDS PHARMACARE PLAN BY FEDERAL GOVERNMENTPharmacare bill passes in the House of Commons, heads to the SenateThe Federal Government's pharmacare bill is headed to the Senate after passing third reading in the House of Commons. The legislation would see the federal government offer first-payer coverage of some…
The Surrey Board of Trade continues to lead in BC as a key player in instigating change through government advocacy. On May 28-30, the Surrey Board of Trade will seek support for their policies from their peers at the annual BC Chamber of Commerce convention in Kelowna, to advance BC’s economy. Details on Surrey Board…
The Surrey Board of Trade commends HTEC for their visionary H2 Gateway project, which aims to significantly reduce emissions in the transportation sector through the establishment of an interprovincial network of hydrogen refuelling stations. This ambitious project will not only support the deployment of fuel-cell vehicles but also advance greener transportation solutions across British Columbia.…
On the docket of April 2024 Health & Technology Team Meeting.To join or for more information, click here.…
City Centre 5 building will feature over 500 student and staff housing units and a newly expanded campus for Western Community CollegePhoto: Lark Group’s Health and Technology District partners with Western Community College on unique student and faculty housing and expanded campus at City Centre 5.Surrey, BC (March 6, 2024) – In an…
Today, the Honourable Mark Holland, Canada’s Minister of Health, introduced Bill C-64, An Act respecting pharmacare (Pharmacare Act), which proposes the foundational principles for the first phase of national universal pharmacare in Canada. It describes the Government of Canada’s intent to work with provinces and territories (PTs) to provide universal, single-payer coverage for a number of contraception…
On Thursday, February 15, Surrey Mayor Brenda Locke will deliver her first State of the City Address to outline her economic vision for Surrey. The event will be hosted by the Cloverdale District Chamber of Commerce, the South Surrey & White Rock Chamber of Commerce, and the Surrey Board of Trade.This is an important…
On October 23, the BC Government introduced legislation that will allow internationally educated professionals, such as engineers, social workers, early childhood educators, paramedics, teachers and biologists, to start working. The legislation will require regulatory bodies to remove barriers in 29 professions and make it easier and quicker for those qualified professionals to seek credential recognition, no…