

The Voice of Business

The role of our policy work is to be proactive, researching and identifying the issues, which will become of critical concern to our members and our city, and developing a policy position to speak to the appropriate levels of government. We continuously interact with the City of Surrey and various local jurisdictions, and federal and provincial agencies and regional bodies. We also work directly in the municipal, regional, provincial, and federal issue areas of Economic Development, where issues are of a wider scope.

Surrey Board of Trade members volunteer their time to provide expertise, guidance, and feedback to the Surrey Board of Trade staff on core policy teams. They review and monitor government programs and budgets, and raise issues that impact members and Surrey’s Business Community. Team members assist SBOT Staff to develop policies and positions to effect necessary changes to foster economic growth in a thriving city.

To join any of the policy teams, contact Jasroop Gosal, Policy & Research Manager at